So this is real life after all

my weekend at the MNLP Convention

So this is real life after all
Myself and David Brady

Believe it or not, since I started Liberty Weekly on Memorial Day 2017, there have been select few times when my online and physical worlds collided—which, by the way, is not to say that I only engage in internet activism. (I don’t).

Last year, in May 2021, I attended Chillderburg III. It was really the first time I met in real life people I’d known online for years. The experience was rewarding in ways that are difficult to put into words.

This past weekend, I had another opportunity to meet internet folks in person by attending the Minnesota Libertarian Party Convention. It was similarly rewarding.

For those of you who have followed my work for a while, you’ll probably know that Keith Knight and I have regularly collaborated since December 2017. Since then, we both ended up working for the Libertarian Institute, where Keith was recently named the Managing Editor.

Even though we have known each other for five years, Keith and I had never met in person. At least until he surprised me last week by buying plane tickets to the Minnesota Libertarian Party Convention.

It was incredible to finally meet one of my closest friends for the last five years. Keith is a true friend who has continually encouraged me to stay the course and to step outside of my comfort zone with my guests and content.

For some reason, neither of us thought to take a picture!

In addition to meeting Keith, I also got to meet some other tremendous libertarians, including Dave Smith, James Jenneman, Josh Smith, David Brady, and longtime listener, Shale K.

Shout out to other great new friends, whom I hesitate to name for fear of leaving anyone out! Thanks to all, it was a real pleasure to hang out.

During the weekend, I picked up a few new goodies that I wanted to share:


I picked up the above treasure, which features an article by our Libertarian Institute Executive Director, Sheldon Richman.


I also picked up this vintage Harry Browne 1996 presidential campaign pamphlet. I am very excited to have one of these.


I also picked up new Ron Paul gear:

The Ron Paul 2008 sign will probably make its way into my video background.

So yes, all in all, this weekend was a resounding success. My takeaway is that you should not wait several years to merge the internet world with the tangible one. The real life energy is invigorating and assures you that you are on the right path.

Thanks again to everyone.

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