Israel's AI Kill List In May, Peter Thiel participated at a Q and A at Cambridge University. He was asked about Palantir's involvement with Israel's AI-directed targeting software, a project codenamed "Lavender."
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I learned something today ...there is no opportunity or ability to do great things unless you undertake a big task.
This is a total momentum killer There is nothing that kills your forward momentum like losing a podcast episode to technical difficulties.
This Could Save You A Whole Lot of Trouble In the last couple weeks, two disastrous events have occurred, capturing Americans' attention—and imaginations. On March 22, armed gunmen killed over one hundred concert-goers at Crocus City Hall near Moscow. A week later, on March 29, a cargo ship crashed into a support of the Francis Scott Key
‘Integrated Deterrence’ Means Provoking China Congratulations to Supporting Member "G Cross" for winning the signed picture of Ron Paul! I will be reaching out to you privately. Thank you to all Supporting Members for your patronage.