Butchering Our Sacred Cows

This week, Richard Cox returns to the show to discuss his revisitation of Antony Sutton's work, COVID19 and conspiracy theorizing in general.

Butchering Our Sacred Cows
Richard Cox joins me in this week's Episode.

When someone butchers an animal, they kill it, but they also harvest it, gleaning everything they can use from the animal, and discarding what they cannot.

So what then does it mean when one butchers a sacred cow?

This week on Vital Dissent, we did just that.

Antony Sutton is a name that should be recognizable to any Cold War era conspiracy theorist—maybe as recognizable as G. Edward Griffin or James Perloff.

During those years, Professor Sutton wrote a series of books claiming that Wall Street funded the Nazis, the Soviets, and FDR. All these claims should be shocking to any normie history understander.

A few generations later, most of us conspiracy junkies took his writings as a given.

But did any of us actually look into his research?

This week, Richard Cox returns to the show to discuss his revisitation of Antony Sutton's work, COVID19 and conspiracy theorizing in general.

Richard provides a mature perspective on all of the above, and teaches us how to shift our viewpoint to glean the most out of the conspiracies that have turned into our sacred cows. Find early access to the full episode below.

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