Israel's AI Kill List
In May, Peter Thiel participated at a Q and A at Cambridge University. He was asked about Palantir's involvement with Israel's AI-directed targeting software, a project codenamed "Lavender."

This morning, I invited Kelley Vlahos back on the show to discuss an article she wrote last week about venture capitalist Peter Thiel and his tech start-up Palantir.
As Vlahos details, in May, Peter Thiel participated at a Q and A at Cambridge University. He was asked about Palantir's involvement with Israel's AI-directed targeting software, a project codenamed "Lavender." This AI directed targeting program is responsible for killing civilians on a massive scale.
Thiel stumbled and bumbled his way through an answer, obviously trying not to implicate himself in war crimes while also trying not to upset his IDF clients.
This interview with Kelley marks my first interview in quite some time.
I am hoping to get back into it by scheduling one interview every week for the next two months. This morning was Kelley Vlahos, this Thursday I will be recording with Scott Horton. I have sent out a couple other emails to some other exciting guests, but have not yet heard back.
I am also hard at work on the Truth About Oppenheimer Part II. I'd really like to get it released by the end of the Summer. Interviews are nice because their relatively low time investment allows me to work on larger projects.
For this week, and for being an email subscriber, enjoy this early access to this morning's interview without ads.
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