How Long Are They Going to Keep Doing This?

That's right—while search and rescue parties are peeling charred bodies from the still-smoking rubble down in Maui, the Biden Administration will siphon $24 billion more from struggling Americans to send to Ukraine.

How Long Are They Going to Keep Doing This?
Maui burns while Washington sends billions more to Ukraine

I'm sure you'll be relieved to know that the government is scrambling to assemble relief efforts for those effected by the Maui wildfire.

Oh wait, never mind. That's not true.

Well, the fiends in Washington are scrambling to help disaster victims.

They just aren't Americans.

And, oh yes, they are disaster victims that the Washington fiends have already spent billions in our tax dollars creating.

That's right—while search and rescue parties are peeling charred bodies from the still-smoking rubble down in Maui, the Biden Administration will siphon $24 billion more from struggling Americans to send to Ukraine.

Well at least the Biden Administration will be air dropping some breadcrumbs to Maui families—to the tune of $700 per. That's $24 billion more for Ukraine and $1.2 million for Maui.

Between this and the poisoning of Hawaiians' drinking water by the Navy and Air Force, maybe Hawaii should secede.

If you'd like to help the survivors of the Maui wildfire, GiveSendGo has a dedicated fund.

Notes in the Margin

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