Proxy Wars...The Punishment Due
In this week's episode, I take the audience on an even deeper dive into my most recent piece for the Libertarian Institute. We explore these questions, and more:
- What is the true extent of US involvement in Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion of 1979?
- What is the source of this knowledge?
- To what extent did the US' pre-invasion involvement actually provoke the Soviets to invade?
- How was the US' pre-invasion involvement in Ukraine similar to its pre-invasion involvement in Afghanistan?
- What are the similarities between what US diplomats told Afghan and Ukrainian proxy forces?
- How influential has Zbigniew Brzezinski been in US/Ukraine/Russia policy?
This is a free preview of next week's episode of the Liberty Weekly Podcast. Supporting Members have full access to the entire episode. Support my work and gain full access by subscribing to a premium plan through the link below.