Ron Paul Annual Conference 2022

Ron Paul Annual Conference 2022
Myself, Dave DeCamp, and Reed Coverdale

The jokes were flowing, along with the old fashioneds, at the Dulles Airport Marriott this last Friday.

Soon after parking myself at the hotel bar, I was joined by some Greats: Dave DeCamp of, Reed Coverdale of the Naturalist Capitalist, Adam Fitzgerald of the Darkened Hour, and Eric Jackman of Jackman Radio.

For all, save Mr. Coverdale, it was my first meeting--and what a pleasure it was at that. In preparation for the conference proper the next morning, we stayed up late into the night visiting. We discussed policy, life, and the state of libertarian politics. We also laughed hysterically at Eric's fantastic impressions (I forgot to make him do Lindsey Graham).

The next morning, the talks began. We got a chance to say hello to our friends at the Ron Paul Institute, the Mises Institute, and to Dr. Paul himself.

Myself and Dr. Paul

I was also joined by friends and Liberty Weekly guests JoAnne Leon and Scott Spaulding. Unfortunately, I did not make a point to get pictures. I had met both at last year's conference and it was wonderful to see them again.

Of the many exciting things that took place at the conference, Adam Fitzgerald and I had a long conversation about learning from other content creators and emulating what it is that makes these creators successful.

Expect some changes accordingly.

In the last two years, I have made a point to attend these in-person events. Like many of us, activism is not a full-time gig. It is very difficult to strike a good family/work/activism balance. Burnout is a real thing that creeps up every few months. These events really charge my batteries.

Thanks to all my subscribers and supporters. A special thanks to everyone at this year's conference. It was another awesome experience I will not soon forget.