You'll Never Believe this Fact About Dr. Seuss

Ironically, in crushing the America First Committee, Dr. Seuss aided and abetted the rise of the American fascistic war state.

You'll Never Believe this Fact About Dr. Seuss

During WWII, a children's author and cartoonist smeared American's largest political organization opposing US involvement in WWII.

It may surprise you that this children's author was none other than Theodor Seuss Geisel, or Dr. Seuss.

But just what was this group Dr. Seuss was smearing? And why was he smearing it?

The American First Committee brought together a broad coalition of different political groups. Because local chapters had a great deal of autonomy, it was difficult for the higherups to vet who was being admitted. This resulted in a number of members joining the American First Committee because they supported international fascism or communism.

The below image is an example of one of Dr. Seuss' cartoons painting the entire America First Committee as fascists and communists for the presence of these members in the movement, either desired or undesired by the whole.

To those of us who oppose US involvement in Ukraine and point out American actions that provoked Russia's invasion, this treatment should be familiar. Especially after the Rage Against the War Machine rally this Spring.

This smearing persists despite the fact that explaining why something happened is not the same as justifying it.

Ironically, in crushing the America First Committee, Dr. Seuss aided and abetted the rise of the American fascistic war state.

If you want to hear more of this fascinating story, and how it relates to today, Brandan Buck joins us in next week's episode of Vital Dissent. Brandan is a contributor to the Libertarian Institute and Responsible Statecraft. He is a PhD candidate in History at George Mason University.

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